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Dec 10, 2009

Talk to The Wall

This is a special category or label of my blog which I can express my currents situation or problems I face. Feel free to drop comments.

1.I need more time for my content development to read up the entire long long research articles to make conclusion. Its feel like reading a tick book in one day.

2. I need a scanner to scan my mind maps and upload it. Yeah ....I am shy to ask my housemates.

3. I need to complete my 30 sec video artist impression and hope will complete it by this weekend.

Concept Design Approach

Ckeckered Concept

I choose checkered as the concept design because of the comfortable texture to set distinctive mood. Moreover the patterns look more inviting and more power. The patterns possess a desire that something truly unique at the forefront of every individual. I found checkered concept is attributes to my installation. In the history of television, color bars were used as test pattern for most video. The color bars have repeated pattern so I link it with checkered patterns.

I got this idea through observation on my classmates who he always wears cloth with checkered patterns and a fake hair. (Khairul Johari)without him I wouldn’t know what’s the meaning of checkered.

Dec 9, 2009

Gantt Chart



Special thank to Norman who shared this software Tom’s Planner on preparing Gantt chart. I found out this software was easily to create and it has friendly navigation for new user. For the individual who did not have experience in using excel (just like me), I would encourage them using this software, it only took 3 minutes to complete the tutorial. It’s free and no download require.

Dec 7, 2009

Technical Part Research

Keyboard Hacking Tutorial

Part 1

Part 2

Some others tutorial links:

Digital Installation

Self Promotion - Installation Documentation 2006 from Christopher O'Leary on Vimeo.

In this application, the audience applause the viewer who had enters the hot spot. When the viewer leaves the hot spot, the audience waits quietly. I was thinking of setting up a living room, in the middle there lays a television. Whenever viewer sits on the sofa (hot spot) the television instantly broken and error appear on the screen as well as the sound.

Here is the example of fast moving clock which will be place beside the television as decoration.

Dec 6, 2009

Precedence Studies

Interactive Installation

Adjust Your Set (2008) from Mark Bell on Vimeo.

Mr.Kok Yong had introduced “Error as Art” installation during Digital Media class. I found it very interesting and it’s a brilliant idea to imply in my digital installation. These video had pretty familiar thing with the error as art. The installation had chosen television to producing reinterpretations of the error as music art. Combination of series error tones of television had captured the beautiful sound and had made new elements to explore in digital world.

UTV from Rob Duarte on Vimeo.

"The UTV installation begins with an open presentation of the technology behind the television broadcast. A laptop computer connects to a display, which shows the real-time workings of the scripts and patches that gather Twitter feeds from people in the Chicago area. A camcorder then converts the image into a ready-for-TV signal and finally leads to a UHF transmitter that broadcasts the content to any television sets in the area. The corkboard above this makeshift TV station contains my notes, sketches and observations about the technical process, comparisons between the sociopolitical histories of Internet and broadcast TV media, and the re-appropriation of the obsolete medium of analog TV for the purposes of broadcasting local community-produced content" said Rob Duarte.

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Images shown the back scene of the installation where a camcorder and UHF transmitter were hidden.

Text carries certain meaning and certain feeling such as humiliation, advice and even hope. Reading text, as when watching television, people increase understanding on what the message try to convey. Looking at the text on television, people know that they are not looking at television but meaning of text carry. Imagine there is a platform for people to expression their feeling on television addiction and the expression appear on the TV surface. Maybe the expression may reach certain individual who addicted to television and some how realize what they are up to.

Art Installation - TVs in Parking Lot - Asbury Park, NJ - May 2009 from Michael Pilmer on Vimeo.

Here is another error installation using television as medium

Yahowa Stackridge - Installation from Media In Motion-Documentations on Vimeo.

Monitors are piled up - tilted and upside down - as an unreguralary heap. The images consist of text fragments, basic graphical elements and technical distortions, edited extremely fast as a pulsating overflow of colours and forms. The music uses feedbacks, low vibrations, high peaks, noise and staccato rhythms.

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QuadraTV from Arno Scheper on Vimeo.

QuadraTV is a quadraphonic audiovisual installation.
Televisions are being played on as if it were music instruments.
The basic concept of this is that analogue sound signals are fed to the TV’s,
the TV’s treat the signals as video input, thus converting the sound into light.
The light being emitted from the screen is than picked-up by light sensors and
after losing some information and gaining some noise the signals are converted back into sound, closing the circle.

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