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Dec 13, 2009

Why people watch TV?

After searching through hundreds of web and reading through articles for days, I finally found some interesting articles by expert to support my though.

According to Donna Michelle with reference to a research of James Lull, people do sometimes prefer audio as background music that it is a good creator of atmosphere. “By rendering a constant and predictable assortment of sounds and pictures which instantly creates a busy atmosphere” said Lull. People who feel lonely may find that sound background may fill up their loneliness.

Television can be used to entertain guests in the house when there is no alternative as well become their conversation topic. Certain viewers feeling guilty when expose to television because viewers find that watching tv is easily available if compare going to cinema.

In the Donna Michelle's article, television is also a form of escapism form our real-life situations and to approach relaxation. This may help certain individual to release frustrations and emotions. “Filling in time” said McQuail.

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Influence of Television

An article by Norman Herr a professor of science education had stated some viewer dependency symptoms:

1. An indiscriminate in viewing
2. Out of control when viewing
3. Angry with oneself and feeling miserable for watching too much
4. Sedative to TV

Article Link

Human Emotions toward TV

Children are more likely to obese when they are exposing to TV for more than 4 hours per day indicate from a study in Journal of the American Medical Association. TV violence may lead to increasing children and teen’s aggression and they may become less awareness on suffering of others.

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